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“Night of Too Many Stars Shines on One Who's Not”



“I will never forget last night. It was the most important moment thus far of what I do.” Katy Perry


“Popstars Katy Perry and Carly Rae Jepsen get upstaged by Night of Too Many Stars breakout Jodi DiPiazza ” Entertainment Weekly


"Superstar Katy Perry was given the opportunity of a lifetime when she performed a duet of "Firework" with Jodi DiPiazza at Comedy Central's Night Of Too Many Stars. You'd think it would be the other way around, but DiPiazza, 11, who lives with autism, absolutely floored the pop star" EOnline


“Music helped Rochelle Park girl transcend autism to become music star ” North Jersey News


"Katy Perry took the stage for Comedy Central’s autism benefit Night of Too Many Stars but this time she wasn’t the star. That designation would go to Jodi DiPiazza, an autistic girl who made a breakthrough with the help of music. Jodi accompanied the superstar on “Firework,” playing piano and singing with Perry in front of a few thousand at New York City’s Beacon Theatre" Idolator


"Tears of joy are falling all over our trackpad! Jodi DiPiazza, a young girl with Autism, got a chance to show off her musical talent by performing Firework with her hero, Katy Perry live on stage! It is perhaps the sweetest we have ever seen. Like, really" Perez Hilton


"A young autistic girl accomplished a feat beyond that of most, autistic or not: She sang a duet of "Firework" with Katy Perry that brought the house down and moved host Jon Stewart (and many others) to tears. As the standing ovation roared for young Jodi DiPiazza, she stood up from behind the piano and wrapped her arms around Perry, nestling herself against the pop star" MSN Entertainment


Thirteen-year-old Jodi DiPiazza uses her music to inspire people — and duet with music's biggest superstars. When it comes to bringing down the house, DiPiazza is the real superstar". Mashable


"The Force is certainly strong with Jodi DI Piazza" The Wrap


"This year, Al Yankovic got the chance of a lifetime: singing a duet with the one and only Jodi DiPiazza."


"13-Year-Old With Autism Sings 'Yoda' With Weird Al And Totally Kills It"


"Jodi was diagnosed with autism at the age of two and has already accomplished more in her life than I could if I lived to 150" Geekologie


"Plenty of stars were there - Jon Stewart, Steve Carell, Paul Rudd, Louis CK, Larry David, John Oliver, Amy Schumer, Martin Short, just to name a few. But the biggest star of them all was Jodi DiPiazza.she let Weird Al Yankovic join her on stage as they sang "Yoda," his classic parody of The Kinks' "Lola."Again, she brought the house down. What amazing talent! " 98.7 FM



"What would Star Wars and Weird Al have to do with autism? Well, bring Jodi DiPiazza into the mix and you have a smash hit!" Examiner


You could say that Weird Al’s performance on Sunday’s Night of Too Many Stars was … unique … if by “unique” you mean that instead of making you laugh, it made you feel all the feels.   All. The. Feels

The reason? Jodi DiPiazza, a viral sensation  Popcrunch


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